Hungarian Gas Storage Plc. (MFGT)

  • Markets:Energy & Mining
  • Country:Hungary
  • Courtesy of:Superior Products Hungary (Neschvill'97)
Project Description

Concrete foundation soles needed repairing and strengthening due to high corrosion of the rebars. The problem beside corrosion is the vibration which the industrial cooling ventilators are causing. These vibrations created cracks and severe damage on the pipe holder concrete foundations.

Coating Solution

Treatment consisted of manually removing loose pieces of concrete. Next step was to apply 2 layers of RUST GRIP® with a roller. Subsequently the foundation pedestal could be restored with a cement mortar to regain its original shape. Finally, the concrete sole was completely encapsulated and protected with 2 layers RUST GRIP®.


MFGT is very satisfied with the result and they signed a 3 years contract for the use of Rust Grip®.

Products we used

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